Dear readers,
In the first month I had more than 500 page views from all over the World. I thank you all for your interest and hope you'll come back every now and then to enjoy some more.
People seem to like my car analogies, so here comes
another one. Enantiomers are mirror images of each other. In Figure 1A, you can
see two cars. One is the left-hand drive (LHD) version and the other one is the
opposite, right-hand drive (RHD). So, as long as we can tell which is the front
of the car, by looking at where the steering wheel is placed we can say whether
it is the English version (RHD) or the continental (LHD). Aerodynamic design
conventions make it rather easy to determine what the front end of a car is,
except for weird and failed exercises like in Figure 1B. This Zündapp model aptly names Janus shown here is an
(almost) symmetrical car and consumers could not make heads or tails out of it.
Figure 1: Cars as enantiomers[1].
How an enzyme treats enantiomers is like how a Brit
would drive a continental rental car: the stick shift is on the wrong side and
if feels uncomfortable enough to have to drive slower than your regular
mainland European citizen. Of course in this analogy, the Brit is the non-preferred substrate, the
stick is the catalytically active amino acid and the speed is the catalytic
rate. Changing the enantioselectivity of an enzyme by protein engineering is
like converting a car from LHD to RHD.
Are there
gradations in chirality; is one molecule more chiral than another?[2]
A carbon atom with four different substituents is (at
least somewhat) tetrahedral[3] and chiral since the groups can be arranged on
the central atom in two mirror-image fashions.[4] In Figure 2A, I show three
different chiral molecules; they all have four different substituents and I
think most people will be inclined to say that molecule 1 is the ‘most chiral’
since the substituents differ the most, close to the central C-atom. In Figure
2B, an example where the discriminator (chlorine) is far away, yet the carbon
atom has four different groups and the molecule is chiral. Valiant attempts at
developing mathematical tools to quantify chirality have been made. The jury is
still out as far as I’m concerned and I have listed two references to get you started
[2]. Two thoughts occur to me: how do you make them and how do you analyze
them? This is beyond the scope of this story, though.
Figure 2: A1, chloroethylbenzene; A2, deuterium (2H) and
tritium (3H) labeled groups leading to chirality; A3, tetra-alkyl
methane; B, (S)-4-chloro-diphenylmethanol.
Enzymes and
Traditionally, an enzyme has been regarded as a lock
to which only one of the enantiomeric keys would fit. Later, this model was
modified to incorporate enzyme flexibility and became a glove that only fits
one hand. I will use a few examples to show that enantioselectivity is even
more subtle than that.
Example 1: Ketoreductase (KRED) reduction of ketothiolane (Figure
3A) and 4-chloro-benzophenone (Figure 3B).
A KRED enzyme uses so-called ‘three point interaction’
to orient the substrate in the active site. In this case, the ketone oxygen
forms a hydrogen bond to a group in the enzyme that always locks it into place.
Then, there are two sub-sites in the active site that need to accommodate the
two groups flanking the ketone. Once the substrate molecule is bound in this preferred
way (Figure 3A/B), the enzyme makes sure that the reducing hydride always comes
from, say, above the plane of the paper/screen. In this way, only one
enantiomer of the alcohol product is formed.
There are two 'flipped' alternative binding modes that can cause
imperfect enantioselectivity[5] and they are shown in Figure 3C. Since the
reduction of ketothiolane is rather temperature dependent, it is likely that
enzyme flexibility is a factor that allows the substrate to occupy the
alternative binding mode. At higher temperatures, the enzyme cannot distinguish
what is ‘left’ and ‘right’. In the case of 4-chloro-benzophenone, it is more
likely that the hydrogen bond is broken and that the ketone group exposes the
other side (or ‘face’), leading to the opposite enantiomer.
Should one want to improve the selectivity of the KRED
enzyme, in the case of ketothiolane one would want to focus on improving
rigidity of the enzyme active site, whereas in the benzophenone case it seems
more rewarding to strengthen the hydrogen bond to keep the ketone properly oriented.
Thus, a detailed understanding of the root cause of lack of selectivity can
guide a mutagenesis approach.
By the way, there are KREDs that achieve >99% e.e. of these alcohols
so it can be done! [6]
Figure 3: Some very basic active site models (A and B) and two
alternative binding modes that lead to the opposite product-enantiomer (C).
Example 2: Epoxide hydrolysis by epoxide hydrolases.
Enantioselective hydrolysis of styrene oxide to phenylethane
diol and its catalytic mechanism has been described by several groups. [7] A
crude active site model is shown in Figure 4. A simplistic explanation for
enantioselectivity in this case can be that with the non-preferred enantiomer,
the catalytically active aspartate ‘cannot reach’ to the epoxide ring
(indicated by the dotted line in Figure 4B) and
no reaction takes place.
Figure 4: Side view (A) and top view (B). Note that only the enzyme-substrate
alkylation step is shown because it is this step that determines the
stereochemical outcome. In the following step, the covalent enzyme-substrate
intermediate is simply hydrolyzed to retrieve the enzyme and release the diol.
This model can also explain a rather nice phenomenon
that is often observed in epoxide hydrolysis: enantioconvergence. This happens
when one substrate-enantiomer reacts on the terminal β-position with retention
of configuration and the other substrate-enantiomer moves out of the binding
pocket just a bit to allow reaction at the benzylic α-position with inversion
of configuration. The result is going from a racemic epoxide to 100% enantiomeric
excess (e.e.) of the diol in 100% yield.
Figure 5: Enantioconvergence rationalized.
X-Ray crystallography and computational chemistry can certainly aid in finding favorable binding modes. An example that I am
familiar with: crystal structure elucidation of haloalcohol dehalogenases enzymes
with substrate enantiomers in the active site showed how non-productive binding
of the ‘wrong enantiomer’ occurred in the crystal. [8] I would also like to
point to the impressive body of quantum chemical computational work done by
Kathrin Hopmann on epoxide hydrolases and haloalcohol dehalogenases that
present compelling evidence for the origins of the regioselectivity. [9]
Now, these simple cartoon models are exactly that:
simple. They ignore kinetic parameters (rates and affinity constants) so the next
two examples will show how kinetics can determine enantioselectivity.
Example 3: Epoxide hydrolysis by epoxide hydrolases (yes,
In Figure 6, two reactions catalyzed by EH from Agrobacterium radiobacter are shown. [10]
In panel A, we see a ‘normal’ kinetic behavior: the most reactive enantiomer (R)-Cl-SO's concentration decreases rapidly. After 20 minutes, the remaining (S)-enantiomer is
hydrolyzed at a slower pace. In panel B, we see that a slight modification to
the substrate structure gives a completely different picture. In this case, the
enantiomer that binds best is hydrolyzed preferentially but at a slow pace.
After 50 minutes, when (R)-SO is gone, the second ‘gets its chance to
bind’ and is hydrolyzed very rapidly and follows suit in just 10 minutes more.
Well, you all know how I like comics and cartoons, but here a cartoon model is clearly
inadequate at explaining this phenomenon.
Figure 6: Hydrolysis of 4-chlorostyrene oxide (A, Cl-SO) and styrene
oxide (B, SO).
Example 4: Switch of enantioselectivity of Subtilisin Carlsberg catalyzed
transesterifications in organic solvent due to additives.
The effect of co-solvents and additives on the
reaction rates of (L)
and (D)
phenylalanine derivatives in cyclohexane was studied (Figures 7 and 8, [11]). It turned
out that the effect on the reaction rates of the (L)-enantiomer was different than on the (D)-enantiomer. This spurred
a few years of debate between Alex Klibanov and Jaap Broos about water
activity, enzyme flexibility and conformational change. Anyway, the sum of the effects
is that in some cases the enzyme is S-selective and in some cases R-selective
for the same reaction, without mutagenesis. I remember a Friday afternoon
discussion I had with Jaap about the rate limiting step in this reaction. It
could be that with some additives the acylation is rate limiting whereas in the
presence of other additives de-acylation is rate limiting. If these two
reaction steps proceed with different enantioselectivity, this could give an
opposite stereochemical outcome. A detailed study into the kinetics of each
individual reaction step should give the answer but I don’t think that was ever
Figure 7: Subtilisin catalyzed transesterification.
Figure 8: Effect of additives on the
reaction rates (V0) of the
individual enantiomers (V0(L) and V0(D)). Additives used were entry 1: ethanol; 2:
acetonitrile; 3: 1-propanol; 4: propionitrile; 5: butyronitrile; 6: no
additive; 7: tert-butanol; 8:
2-methyl-2-pentanol; 9: 3-methyl-3-pentanol; 10: 2-methyl-2-butanol.
Successfully predicting whether an enzyme will be
R-selective or S-selective in a certain reaction is very hard to do. Even the best
crystal structure with the highest resolution, into which substrate or products
are soaked or computer docked will only give an indication. Granted, computational
chemistry has come a long way from the days of “you tell me the answer and I’ll
calculate it for you”[12] but I challenge this readership to show me a case
where a computational prediction of enantioselectivity was accurate (sign and magnitude). I think I
have shown that even a rather simple extrapolation of results from one molecule
to an analog or from one reaction condition to another is tricky.
Fortunately, it is not difficult to just measure the
enantioselectivity. (Semi-) random mutagenesis is very powerful and rather
agnostic of kinetic parameters and has been used quite often to improve or even really switch enantioselectivity.
[1] A: The air intake on the rear fender indicates that this is a
rear-engine car (think Porsche or VW bugs) so the placement of the engine is
not indicative of where the front is. Likewise with which wheels are driven by
the transmission (FWD vs. RWD). The best indicator is looking at which wheels
move when you turn the steering wheel (unless you’re looking at a fork lift)
and where the mirrors are positioned. B: The Janus’s fenders have a cut-out to
allow wheels to turn corners, so the right hand side of the car in the picture is the
front. And while we’re at it, the Janus has an internal mirror plane and could
be called a ‘micro car’ as well as a ‘meso car’.ündapp_Janus
[2] PW Fowler. Quantification of chirality: attempting the impossible. Symmetry:
Culture and Science 2005, 16(4), pp 321-334 (
And then have a look at this nice presentation from N Duncan-Gould. Recent
advances in quantifying chirality. 2008.
[3] Winner of the first-ever Nobel prize for Chemistry, oddly enough not
for the tetrahedral carbon configuration.'t_Hoff
and look at
And look this paper full of definitions: K Mislow, and J Siegel. Stereoisomerism
and Local Chirality. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106 (11) pp 3319-3328 (
[4] I’d like to take this opportunity to highlight the work of Dr.
Wolter ten Hoeve who in his thesis with the best title ever (“The long and
winding road to planar carbon”) describes the synthesis of molecule 3 from
Figure 2A in 80% enantiomeric excess, as well as efforts at making a carbon
atom with four substituents that is mostly flat. Check out the (Dutch) summary:
Ten Hoeve worked in the group of stereochemistry pioneer Prof Hans
Wynberg, an extraordinary man that I had the pleasure to meet frequently. You
have to check out these links to get a glimmer:
and the obituary that does him justice:
[5] I know the term enantioselectivity is wrong, but most people call
it like this.
[6] J Liang, E Mundorff, R Voladri,
S Jenne, L Gilson, A Conway,
A Krebber , J Wong, G Huisman, S Truesdell, and J Lalonde.
Highly Enantioselective Reduction of a Small Heterocyclic Ketone: Biocatalytic
Reduction of Tetrahydrothiophene-3-one to the Corresponding (R)-Alcohol. Org.
Process Res. Dev., 2010, 14 (1), pp 188–192; MD Truppo, D
Pollard, and P Devine. Enzyme-Catalyzed Enantioselective Diaryl Ketone
Reductions. Org. Lett., 2007, 9 (2), pp 335–338.
[7] A few come to mind from the EPOX project: Dick Janssen, Roland
Furstoss, Michael (Ernie) Arand, Manfred Reetz, but there are many, many more. For
the main catalytic mechanisms, just Google “catalytic mechanism epoxide
[8] RM de Jong (LI:é-de-jong/29/297/3b2), JJW Tiesinga,
A Villa, LX Tang, DB Janssen, and BW Dijkstra. Structural Basis for the
Enantioselectivity of an Epoxide Ring Opening Reaction Catalyzed by Halo
Alcohol Dehalogenase HheC. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127 (38), pp 13338-13343.
[9] KH Hopmann (LI: Nitrile
Hydratases and Epoxide-Transforming Enzymes: Quantum Chemical Modeling of Reaction
Mechanism and Selectivities. KTH, Stockholm, Doctoral thesis, 2008.
[10] JH lutje Spelberg, R Rink, RM Kellogg, and DB Janssen. Enantioselectivity
of a recombinant epoxide hydrolase from Agrobacterium radiobacter. Tetrahedron:
Asymmetry 1998, 9 (3), pp 459–466
[11] J Broos, JFJ Engbersen,
IK Sakodinskaya, W Verboom, and DN Reinhoudt. Activity and enantioselectivity
of serine proteases in transesterification reactions in organic media. J. Chem.
Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1995, pp 2899-2905. (
) and some of the follow-up discussions are summarized here: J Broos. Impact of
the Enzyme Flexibility on the Enzyme Enantioselectivity in Organic Media
Towards Specific and Non-specific Substrates. Biocatalysis and
Biotransformation, 2002, 20 (4), pp. 291–295. (
[12] I had to follow a course
on thermodynamics given by Herman Berendsen while he and his group were writing
the GROMOS software and I seemed to hear that joke a lot from them.
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